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Implementing Microsoft Power Platform within an Enterprise Environment: Best Practices and Benefits

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A Real-Life Journey into the Transformative World of Power Platform

Hold on to your seat, because we’re about to embark on an empowering journey. This isn’t a fairytale; it’s a real-life adventure about the transformative power of a suite of applications – the Microsoft Power Platform. If you’re looking for ways to revolutionise your business, drive efficiencies, or simply be a game changer in your industry, then this blog post is for you.


At Accelerate, we believe in walking the talk, which is why we’re basing this guide on our firsthand experience with the Microsoft Power Platform. We’ve journeyed through the learning curve, made mistakes, celebrated victories, and now, we’re here to share what we’ve learned.


We’ll be discussing best practices for implementing the platform in an enterprise organisation, examples of its practical applications, and how to integrate it with your existing enterprise systems. And trust me, there’s gold in here – tips, tricks, insights, the works, all tried and tested within our own team.


This is not about pushing you to use another tech tool. This is about opening your eyes to the potential that exists within your reach. We’ll look at how you can gain control of your business processes, improve your decision-making with data, and innovate at a speed you didn’t think was possible. All this using a platform designed for everyone, not just the tech wizards.


Remember, you don’t have to be a tech genius to reshape your business. You just need the right tools and a willingness to learn. That’s how we’ve done it at Accelerate, this is how we do it for our clients and we’re certain you can do it too. So, whether you’re a business owner, a project manager, or an enthusiast looking to quench your tech thirst, let’s navigate the transformative world of the Microsoft Power Platform together. Let’s get started.

Understand the Platform and its potential

In our pursuit of innovation, we sometimes overlook the tools that are already at our disposal. Microsoft Power Platform is one such tool. It’s a suite of business applications that, when harnessed correctly, can lead to transformative changes in how we operate and grow our businesses. Here’s what you need to understand:


Power Apps: This tool simplifies the process of creating custom business applications. It’s designed with the idea that anyone, irrespective of their programming knowledge, should be able to design and implement an app. Power Apps democratises app development, so every idea counts.


Power Automate: Reducing manual work and increasing efficiency is a common goal for businesses. Power Automate helps you achieve this by automating repetitive, rule-based tasks. The time you save can be invested in strategic thinking or simply taking a breather — both equally important.


Power BI: Decisions driven by data can propel a business into unprecedented growth. Power BI lets you transform raw data into interactive dashboards and reports. It’s more than just a tool; it’s your guide to making informed business decisions.


Power Virtual Agents: This component allows you to create chatbots without the need for a data scientist or developer. It’s a way to enhance customer service and free up your employees’ time to focus on more complex issues.


To maximise the benefits of the Microsoft Power Platform, it’s crucial to fully understand what it can offer and how it aligns with your business goals. Microsoft offers an extensive array of resources including documentation, learning guides, and a dedicated learning platform, Microsoft Learn that can help you familiarise yourself with the platform. Additionally, the Microsoft Power Platform Community can provide valuable insights from users across the globe. Another fantastic site for inspiration is the Microsoft customer stories website, constantly updated with curated case studies on how others have done it. It would also be a miss if we didn’t reference our own case studies which you can find on our case studies page.


Comprehending the platform and its potential is a step you can’t afford to skip. It’s the difference between fumbling in the dark and having a well-lit path. The Microsoft Power Platform holds immense potential. The key is learning to unlock it.

Setting the Stage for a Power Platform Centre of Excellence

At Accelerate, we’ve seen firsthand the transformative potential of the Microsoft Power Platform. But we’ve also seen how out of hand low-code platform development can become with duplicated functions, data and environments, not to mention security holes you could drive a truck through. Every organisation we’ve worked with, the horse had bolted, however, we managed to reign it in every time – it’s never too late.

But let’s not kid ourselves, making the most out of such a versatile platform isn’t as easy as flipping a switch. It’s about setting up an environment that can drive and support this transformation. In other words, it’s about setting up a Power Platform Centre of Excellence (CoE).

Think of the CoE as your very own Power Platform command centre. It’s where the magic of managing growth, fostering innovation, and maintaining governance happens. This delicate balance is a dance that takes skill, and the CoE is your expert choreographer. It ensures every move flows smoothly into the next, creating an impressive performance out of your digital strategy.


The CoE isn’t just about control, though. It’s also a powerhouse for shattering organisational silos and sparking innovation. It operates in the thick of things, fostering connections, nurturing skills, and pushing boundaries. It’s like the dynamite that demolishes the barriers holding back the flow of knowledge and creativity.


The beauty of the CoE doesn’t stop there. It’s also your organisation’s toolbox and cheerleader, providing resources, learning opportunities, and communication channels. It’s the motivator, always ready to pat on the back, lend a helping hand, and share in the excitement of breakthroughs and victories.


As the CoE facilitates adoption of new tools and best practices, it also paves a fast-track learning pathway for everyone. Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned player, the CoE ensures you’re up to speed and ready to innovate.


But the real cherry on top is the CoE’s supportive framework. It encourages employees to explore, experiment, and even fail. Because that’s how innovation happens, right? And when the inevitable challenges arise, the CoE is right there to provide guidance and support. It’s the safety net that lets you take risks with confidence.


So, don’t just implement the Power Platform. Go a step further and set up a Centre of Excellence. Make sure you’re not just surviving but thriving in the digital transformation journey. Remember, at Accelerate, we’re big believers in the CoE model. We’ve walked this path, reaped the benefits, and we’re here to tell you – it’s absolutely worth it.

The Art of Anticipation: Planning Application Features in Advance

When embarking on the journey of application development with Power Platform, it’s all too tempting to dive headfirst into the action. At Accelerate, however, we’ve learned that success loves preparation. Like a master painter contemplating their next masterpiece, it pays to envisage the end result before you make the first brush stroke.


See, the thing about the Power Platform is its agility. It’s so flexible that it might just bend to your every whim. But let’s face it, not all whims lead to a coherent masterpiece. The allure of ‘could’ can often distract us from the ‘should’. Before you know it, you’re caught up in an unending spiral of feature creep, while your original vision for the application fades away.


That’s where planning comes into play. It’s about nailing down your vision, defining the essential features, and establishing the value they add to your business. It’s not just about listing out features like you’re ticking off a shopping list. It’s about creating a detailed blueprint that aligns perfectly with your vision.


At Accelerate, we don’t just plan, we strategise. We consider the ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘how’, and ‘who’ of each feature. We interrogate every feature’s purpose, its implementation process, and its ultimate users. We don’t add features for the sake of adding features. Each feature is a deliberate choice that supports our vision and adds tangible value to our end product.


There’s a certain magic in this forward-thinking approach. It instills clarity, wards off indecision, and serves as a roadmap for a smooth development process. It also safeguards against scope creep, ensuring your project stays on time, on budget, and most importantly, on point with your vision.


So, the next time you’re ready to dive into the Power Platform, take a step back first. Pick up that metaphorical paintbrush and envisage your masterpiece. Plot out your features, outline your vision, and then, and only then, dive in. Trust me, your future self will thank you. After all, in the words of Benjamin Franklin, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” And we’re not about that are we?

Assembling Your Power Squad: Cultivating Skills, Goals, and Teamwork

The age-old adage rings true in our world of rapid digital transformation: “Teamwork truly does make the dream work.” Here at Accelerate, we’ve seen firsthand how the collective effort of a well-oiled team makes our dreams a reality.

Microsoft’s Power Platform is no one-trick pony. It’s a vast symphony of possibilities, and to create harmonious outcomes, you need a variety of skilled players in your orchestra.

The team you assemble needs a blend of business acumen, problem-solving skills, and technical expertise. Each team member must understand the project’s mission, not just the methodology. They should comprehend the problems at hand and be aware of the vision we’re striving towards.

Forming this formidable team isn’t about serendipity. It’s about strategic decisions, adequate resources, and consistent effort. Luckily, resources like Microsoft Learn are overflowing with information to empower your team with the required Power Platform skills.

Microsoft Learn offers a platter of learning paths, modules, and certifications, covering the spectrum of Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI. The Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals on Coursera is another excellent resource that dives deep into the business value and product capabilities of Power Platform.

However, remember that certifications and courses are only the starting point. They ignite the spark, but the true fire is fueled by purpose-driven learning. Hence, aligning your team with the real-world problems your project intends to solve becomes a critical aspect of this process.

This alignment makes every learning module more than a task. It turns each learning path into an exciting adventure of discovery. Every certification becomes not just a badge but a testament to commitment.

What’s the secret to unlocking the full potential of the Power Platform? The answer, as we’ve learned at Accelerate, lies in your team. A team diverse in skills, united by purpose, equipped with the right resources can be the magic potion that turns vision into reality. Because a dream team doesn’t merely work on projects; they unlock possibilities. And therein lies the true power of the Power Platform.

Laying Down the Law: Implementing Role-Based Access Controls

In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital world, security stands as an unwavering pillar of importance. As we navigate through the immense possibilities the Power Platform provides, it becomes crucial to establish robust access and authorisation policies. And at Accelerate, we believe in having clear and fair rules for everyone – which is precisely where role-based access controls (RBAC) come into play.




Imagine your enterprise system is a grand mansion. You wouldn’t hand out keys to every room for all the staff, would you? The gardener doesn’t need access to your personal office, and the cook doesn’t need to roam around in the garage. This is the essence of role-based access controls – ensuring that individuals have just the right access to perform their tasks and nothing more.


By deploying RBAC, you craft a clear-cut matrix of permissions that is easy to manage and transparent. It helps you assign roles and responsibilities, keeping a tight rein on who gets access to what. This approach not only helps you streamline operations but also significantly elevates your security game.


But don’t be mistaken – it’s not about creating barriers or fostering a ‘need-to-know’ culture. Instead, it’s about empowering your team members with the right tools while ensuring they don’t accidentally step into areas that are beyond their purview. It’s like giving them a detailed map of where they can go and where they cannot. This approach significantly reduces the risk of unintentional missteps that could lead to security issues.


When deploying RBAC, consider the principle of least privilege (POLP) – an IT security concept where a user is given the minimum levels of access necessary to complete his or her job functions. Here, Microsoft’s Power Platform offers a wide array of granular permissions that can be configured to match your organisational roles perfectly. Check out this helpful guide from Microsoft on implementing RBAC.


So as you progress on your Power Platform journey, remember – security is not an afterthought. It’s a strategic decision, a carefully laid foundation on which your system stands strong and unyielding. And with role-based access controls in your toolbox, you can build a system that’s not just powerful, but also secure and well-governed.

Fortifying the Fortress: Ensuring Platform Security and Reliability

When it comes to enterprise-grade solutions, there’s no compromise. Every cog in the machine of an enterprise must be sturdy, reliable, and secure. This is especially true when you’re working with a powerhouse like Microsoft’s Power Platform.


At first glance, the challenge of maintaining security and reliability within an enterprise environment can feel like trying to scale a vertical cliff. But fret not, the Power Platform comes equipped with robust built-in mechanisms that make this task not just doable, but manageable.


The beauty of Power Platform is that it is built on the solid foundation of Azure, one of the most secure cloud services available today. Microsoft provides a wealth of resources to help enterprises secure their Power Platform environments, including security and compliance guides and best practices.


That’s not to say that it’s as simple as a walk in the park – after all, security is an ongoing process, not a one-time checkbox. It requires vigilance, regular audits, and constant updates. But the good news is, Power Platform’s built-in monitoring tools make this a lot easier. You can keep an eye on system performance, user behaviour, and a myriad of other factors that can impact your security and reliability.


Scalability is another crucial element in this equation. As your business grows and evolves, so too should your Power Platform environment. The platform’s flexible architecture allows it to scale up and down as needed, so it can meet your changing demands. However, a successful scaling strategy isn’t just about turning the dial up when you need more power – it’s about anticipating your needs, understanding your usage patterns, and planning your resources accordingly.


Simply put, when you prioritise security and reliability, it goes beyond safeguarding your organisation. It builds trust, drives growth, and underpins everything you do. By ensuring your Power Platform environment meets enterprise-grade requirements, you’re not just implementing a system – you’re creating a powerful, secure, and reliable foundation for your business.

Diving Deeper: Common Use Cases for Microsoft Power Platform in an Enterprise

Microsoft Power Platform is a swiss army knife in your digital toolbox, capable of slicing through a variety of business challenges. At Accelerate, we’ve seen the Power Platform applied in myriad ways to streamline processes, increase productivity, and empower teams. Here’s a closer look at some common use cases:


  1. Lot Tracking Application in PowerApps: Imagine being able to track product batches right from the palm of your hand, with real-time data at your fingertips. PowerApps makes it possible to build customised lot tracking applications, enabling enterprises to monitor quality, expiry dates, and other crucial information about their products.


  1. Invoice Processing using Power Automate: Manual invoice processing is a time-consuming task prone to errors. But with Power Automate, you can create automated workflows to handle this process. It can extract data from invoices, validate it, and even route it to the appropriate department for approval.


  1. Employee Onboarding and Offboarding Apps: Bringing a new hire into the fold or managing a departure is more than just paperwork. Power Platform can help you build a comprehensive onboarding or offboarding app, automating tasks such as creating user accounts, granting permissions, arranging induction programs, and more.


  1. Asset Management Applications: Keeping track of physical assets in an enterprise can be a herculean task. PowerApps can simplify this by creating a centralised, interactive asset management system that enables you to monitor, update, and report on your assets.


  1. Company Directory: Make it easy for employees to connect and collaborate. A PowerApps-powered company directory can provide a searchable, always up-to-date list of all employees, complete with contact information, department details, and even photographs.


  1. Event Management: Organising a corporate event? Power Platform can make it a breeze by providing customised solutions for event registration, attendance tracking, feedback collection, and more.


  1. Service Requests: Whether it’s an IT issue, a facility maintenance request, or a HR query, a PowerApps service request portal can streamline the process. It can route requests to the appropriate department, provide status updates, and maintain a historical record for future reference.


  1. Inspections: Leave the paperwork behind. PowerApps can create flexible, mobile-friendly inspection applications that let you capture data on the go, generate real-time reports, and even attach photos or notes.


  1. Sales Intakes: Every sales lead is precious. With Power Automate, you can automate the sales intake process, capturing lead data, routing it to the right sales representative, and even integrating with your CRM system for seamless data flow.


  1. Simplifying Repetitive Tasks: Every organisation has them – those repetitive, manual tasks that seem to eat up your day. Whether it’s data entry, file management, or scheduling, Power Automate can help you automate these tasks and reclaim your time.


  1. Creating Small Custom Apps or Extensions of Web Apps: PowerApps shines in its ability to quickly create customised business applications with little to no code. These apps can fill in the gaps in your existing software solutions, or extend their functionality in new and innovative ways.


In a nutshell, these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the potential applications of Microsoft’s Power Platform in an enterprise setting. No matter the challenge, chances are, the Power Platform can tackle it. At Accelerate, we’ve seen it firsthand.

The Power is Yours to Harness

There’s an undeniable power in understanding and utilising Microsoft’s Power Platform effectively within your organisation. This platform, with its diverse array of applications from PowerApps to Power Automate, isn’t just a tool – it’s a game-changer. The potential use cases are only limited by your imagination.


In this increasingly digital age, our journey with the Power Platform at Accelerate has proven that it’s not about the next big thing, but the right thing for your business now. Your commitment to learning, adaptability, and nurturing the right skills can make the Power Platform a superpower in your business arsenal.


As you’ve seen, the Power Platform isn’t merely a technical fix, it’s a cultural shift. It’s about empowering your team, breaking down silos, fostering innovation, and above all, making your business a more efficient, agile, and adaptive entity.


But remember, as with any journey, the first step is always the most important. So, we invite you to join us in this thrilling journey of transformation. If you’re ready to accelerate your digital journey and harness the full potential of Microsoft Power Platform, we’re here to help.

Contact us today to get started with our expert team at Accelerate. Let’s shape your Power Platform journey together. The future is waiting, and the power is yours to harness.
Until next time, remember: don’t just adapt, Accelerate.